This scholarship fund has been established in the name of former coach, athlete and youth advocate,
Larry C. Schumacher Sr. honoring his legacy of advancing the educational aspirations of student athletes.
This scholarship is open to both male and female Essex County high school students,
who meet the criteria listed below.
We will be awarding two - $1000 scholarships this year. We are asking your assistance in making our
scholarship application available to as many high school seniors as possible, who are seeking
to further their education following graduation.
The deadline for receiving completed applications, with required documentation, is May 1, 2012.
You may contact us for further information at our website noted above, our email address - , or calling 973-432-7167. Thank you.
Applicant’s Qualifications:
1. School transcript indicating a GPA between 4.0 and 2.5.
2. Recommendation of Head Coach and/or Athletic Director
3. Two Teacher recommendations
4. At least one recommendation from a community representative where applicant performed community service. (Membership in the National Honor Society or Key Club precludes this requirement).
5. Personal essay expressing why this scholarship is important to them (no less than 100 words).
6. Interview
7. Must attend school in Essex County.
Application Deadline May 1, 2012